BERLINCOUNSEL Consulting (BCC) offers professional, expert support regarding compilation, implementation and revision of IT-concepts, strategies and standard processes concerning all aspects of IT-Security- , Risk-Management and Compliance as well as Data - and Document Management including Archiving Concepts.
BERLINCOUNSEL Consulting operates nationwide and represents the first German commercial partner of CSI tools. Employing 20 employees with long lasting consulting and auditing experiences in BIG4 auditing firms. BCC offers excellent expertise in Information Security and Data Protection, Information Management as well as IT Audit and Compliance Management. As interdisciplinary specialists, BCC provides solutions to use Information Technology in a most beneficial way to support your business- efficiently, secure and conformable to law.
With Authorization Management / Segregation of Duties (SoD) being a part of Compliance and good Governance, their goals combine the appropriate Segregation of Duties in order to avoid unnecessary economical risks and liabilities and the identification and monitoring of authorization conflicts in complex environments.
The combination of economic and IT-Know-How enables BCC to look left and right and helps to find and accomplish pragmatic solution. The Knowledge about current development of the market and approaches in BCC's topics help you to make appropriate long-run decisions. With professionalism and discretion being principal objectives, numerous clients of medium-sized businesses and major enterprises have placed their confidence in BCC for years.